Thursday, October 25, 2012

Turning on Windows Security Center in Windows XP SP2

Windows XP is considered as a reformer in the software world. The changes it brought forward to the existing features maybe incomplete, but is quite overwhelming at the same time. These changes have done serious damage to future platforms, not only the ones from Microsoft. Windows XP is the first PC OS to be made with a support for tablet. Although it has a lot of security vulnerabilities and bugs, with the support of Windows Tech Support, Windows XP started conquering markets.
Security vulnerability is prone to virus attacks made XP very less opted for high secure purposes. To resolve these issues Microsoft professionals started working on many theories, out of which a lot went to the dust bins. Out of many ideas, a small idea called a security center took birth. That caused revolutionary change in the security systems of Windows XP and its successors. Windows security center got introduced as a security update in Windows XP in the Service pack 2 or commonly known SP2.
Is it Effective?
Yes. Microsoft Windows Security Center is a very effective program introduced by Microsoft, whose later counterparts are Windows Security and Windows Defender. Windows Security Essentials is one of the most rated Antivirus software and it comes free for Windows users. Although Security Essentials is not available for Windows XP, Windows Security center makes Windows XP tough.
How Can I turn it ON?
Windows Security can be used only in SP2 or later versions of Windows XP. To turn it ON is a very easy process comprising of small number of steps. You don’t need Windows Tech Support or Help for a matter like this. I can help you on this matter by providing you a series of steps. There are some instructions given below which is used in activating Security Center in Windows XP:
1. Click on the Start Button on Taskbar to open the Start Menu.
2. Now Click on Control Panel and then on Administrative Tools in the Control Panel Window.
3. Now Double click on Services.
4. To avoid the above 3 steps you can type in services in the run option in start menu.
5. The services Windows will be shown, which displays all the running services in the Computer system.
6. Now click on Security center in the list and click automatic in the options for startup. Then click Start and close all applications and restart.
After you reboot your Windows Security center will be working fine.

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